Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin lead way in lung procedure
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Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin lead way in lung procedure

Jun 13, 2023

About two years ago, John McLees' lungs had become so badly damaged that he could barely get from one side of his small condo to the other without feeling like he'd just finished an intense workout.

McLees, of Germantown, was born with a genetic condition called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, which increases his risk of developing lung and liver disease.

As he aged, the condition ravaged those organs, as feared. In 1999, he got a liver transplant. A secondary benefit of the transplant was that it stopped the mounting damage on McLees' lungs.

But it could not reverse the 60 years of damage already done. He was well on the path to developing severe emphysema, a disease that ruins the wall structures of the lungs, making it so air gets trapped inside and they overfill.

McLees went from only having to wear an oxygen tube at night to having to wear it 24 hours a day. He struggled to walk short distances, much less exercise. His sedentary lifestyle further worsened his health and his relationships.

He felt like a burden, avoiding birthday parties for many of his 36 grandchildren. He missed baseball games and school concerts, he said, feeling like having him around was a "pain in the neck" to his loved ones. He even attended church from home, watching alone on TV.

McLees' wife had died decades ago, shortly after his liver transplant, making it even more isolating.

"I've always been a very positive thinking person. So, I didn't let it drag me into a depression," he said. "And the kids stopped by, but even them stopping by and little ones coming into the house, I wasn't able to participate. You know, I'd sit there and watch."

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Several years ago, patients like McLees would have had few options. After inhalers, oxygen pumps and pulmonary rehab ultimately stopped working, the only options left used to be major surgery: a lung transplant or lung volume reduction surgery, which removes damaged portions of the lungs.

Instead, about 18 months ago, McLees' doctors at Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin presented him with a middle option — one that wouldn't require a single cut, and could easily be reversed if it didn't work.

By placing tiny, one-way valves in the air passages that lead to the most damaged parts of his lungs, doctors could essentially take an entire section offline to allow the healthier parts of his lungs to work better. The valves, which expand to fit right in the passageways, only let air out, not in, causing the damaged section to deflate and not fill again.

"It's less invasive, and it can have just an incredible impact," Dr. Jonathan Kurman, an interventional pulmonologist with the Froedtert and MCW health network, said of the prodecure, called bronchoscopic lung volume reduction.

For the patients for whom the procedure works, many of whom are of older age, the valves can bring a chance to return to who they were perhaps a decade earlier, before chronic lung disease kept them from being able to walk through a grocery store or make it upstairs to their bedroom.

"It's stuff that a lot of us take for granted, but when you can't do it, it really impacts your life," Kurman said.

It didn't take too much explaining for McLees, now 80, to decide that "all signals were go."

"When you get down to a point when you can't walk 30 feet without losing your breath, if someone throws an inner tube at you, you're going to grab it," he said.

In a dimly lit procedure suite on Froedtert Hospital's campus, Kurman peered through safety glasses at a TV screen as he clutched several tubes that were coming out of his patient's mouth.

The patient, 78-year-old Roger Rose, was sedated. Kurman's first task was to snake a camera down Rose's windpipe and into the intricately branched airways of his lungs, to scope out the best spot for the valves.

(The Journal Sentinel observed the procedure with permission from Rose and the hospital.)

Overall, most of the valve procedures only take about a half hour, and don't even require a sterile surgery suite. The average person gets four to six valves, which expand and sit in the airways without any stiches or cuts.

Patients stay in the hospital for a couple of days after the procedure for observation. Then they're released and monitored for some time. If for any reason the valves don't work, they can be easily removed in minutes, Kurman said.

Among Kurman's team of experts were two contractors from the company that created the valves he was using, California-based Pulmonx. The consultants talked with the doctor about which locations looked like the best to place a valve and helped him pick a valve size.

Then, one by one, Kurman deployed the valves, which are about the size of a fingernail when expanded. Nestled in Rose's airway, they showed no movement except for the subtle puckering of a small slit through which any air left in that part of the lung would escape.

According to data from Pulmonx, globally, some 25,000 patients have received the valves. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the technology in 2018, and there are 250 hospitals using Pulmonx's valves in the U.S., including five in Wisconsin.

Froedtert, under Kurman's leadership, was one of the first in the state to start offering the procedure. The health system has completed the most valve procedures in the state — nearly 100 since they started up in November 2019 — and also ranks third in the Midwest and eighth in the country for how many times the procedure has been performed.

The procedure is covered by most insurances; Kurman has never had a situation where insurance providers did not cover a patient who qualified. Despite that, and even though the valves have been used in Europe for about 15 years, the procedure is relatively a "newborn" in the U.S, Kurman said.

To Kurman's surprise, the lack of awareness among other doctors about the valves has led to many patients coming to his office after doing their own research and self-advocacy. Many learn about the valves online or on social media, in several cases through a 5,400-member-strong Facebook group called "Lung Valves For Friends."

"A lot of it is patient initiated, and it's different from everything else that I do in that sense," Kurman said. "Everything else is doctor-driven."

He wants more doctors and patients to know it's an option, he said.

"So many of (my patients say), 'I wish I had heard about this a couple of years ago,' or 'How come no one's talked about this before?'" he said. "So, one of my big initiatives is just to try to increase awareness among patients and providers that this is available. It's not a trial anymore. It's not experimental anymore. It is very safe."

In Rose's case, the valves were successfully placed to deflate the entire upper left lobe of his lung. In effect, Kurman told his team, he'd performed a lobectomy, a major surgery in which a whole lobe of a lung is removed. But in this case, it was all done without a single cut.

Patients and caregivers of patients who have emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can learn more about the valves by speaking with their doctor.

More than 3 million people in the U.S. have emphysema, according to the American Lung Association. While there are other causes of emphysema, like McLees' genetic condition, the No. 1 cause for the disease is smoking, and because of that, it is considered to be highly preventable.

Before performing the procedure, doctors will do certain tests to make sure that patients qualify, including confirming the patient doesn't have other complicating conditions, like cancer or heart disease. Then they will perform a CT scan, breathing test and ultrasound of the heart. They'll also evaluate the patient's lung tissue before the prodecure.

Even when patients don't qualify, Kurman said, it can be worth getting evaluated because they could qualify in the future if their situation worsens, or they could be a fit for other trial treatments or options.

Procedures like bronchoscopic lung volume reduction are part of a larger push in medicine toward less invasive treatments. The procedure gives patients who've spent years struggling with lung disease an option between medicines and major surgery.

"When you need surgical intervention, you need it," Kurman said. "But if you can accomplish the same thing or something very close without surgery, I think that that's the appropriate way to start."

The procedure is not a miracle cure, Kurman noted.

Not everyone responds to the procedure well, he said, and even if they do, it is not the type of thing that would have people back to when they were teenagers.

"I'm very up front with (patients) that we're not dealing with definitives, we're dealing in relatives," he said.

But even with that in mind, the valves can make a big difference.

For McLees, the relative improvement has given him a bit of his life back.

He still has to wear an oxygen tube but is down to a 3-liter tank instead of a 5-liter one. Sometimes, he can pull the tube off while he makes a stop at the supermarket to quickly grab something he needs. He can be present and active around his kids and grandkids. He can hold a phone conversation for more than 30 seconds.

"It's been a phenomenal change in my life," he said.

Contact Devi Shastri at 414-224-2193 or [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter at @DeviShastri.

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