Gaskets, Can They Be 3D Printed?
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Gaskets, Can They Be 3D Printed?

Oct 15, 2023

Anyone who's owned an older engine, whether it be in a car, motorcycle, or garden machine, will at some time have been faced with the need for a gasket. Even when the gasket is readily available there may be an imperative to fix the engine rather than wait for the part to arrive, so it's common to make your own replacements. Simple ones are easy to cut from thin card, but if you’ve ever tried to do this with a really complex one you’ll know the pain of getting it right. This is the problem tackled in a video from [the_eddies], who has explored the manufacture of replacement gaskets by 3D printing.

The advantages of CAD and easy manufacture are obvious, but perhaps many common plastics might not perform well in hot or oily environments. For that reason he settles on TPU filament, and gives it a test in a bath of 2-stroke fuel mix to see how well it resists degradation. It passes, as it does also when used with a carburetor, though we’d be curious to see the results of a long-term test. We’ve placed the video below the break, so reach your own conclusions.

Gaskets have featured here before, and if you’re interested then there are other machines which can be used to make them.

Thanks [Zane Atkins] for the tip!